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  1. This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 22 November, 2012.

    Happy Munchies: Cheddar Cheese and Carrot (Pack of 6) 有機蘿蔔芝士朦豬脆脆(6罐)

    Our Price:  HK$288.00

    Cheddar Cheese and Carrot Happy Munchies are the answer to snack time for babies ready for a little crunch. Dusted with carrot and fortified with vitamins and minerals, these snacks provide extra nutrients for your little one.

    Suggested age for consumption: 6-9 months old babies and up. Your child is ready to try munchies when they can crawl on their hands and knees, without their tummy touching the floor and use their jaws to mash food with gums.

    有機焗朦豬脆脆, 選用全玉米製成, 適合會自行用手指取食物、以及會用下巴搗碎食物及開紿爬行嬰兒食用。含Choline(膽鹼),幫助腦部健康發展。低鈉 ,不含黃豆, 小麥, 果仁等致敏原, 減低嬰兒對食物過敏的風險。不含農藥、不含化學肥料、無基因改造成份。鈉含量比同類型產品低。



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